Zucchini aren’t the only green, cylindrical shapes abundant in gardens now: cucumbers follow in a close second position. Rarely touted as nutrition powerhouses, cucumbers do have many healthy attributes (in raw form) that give you reason to include them in your diet: High in potassium, an important electrolyte Low in calories – only 15 in… Read more »
Let’s clear something up right off the bat: oats are naturally gluten-free. They become non-gluten-free when they are processed in facilities that mill other gluten-containing grains such as wheat, barley or rye. If you must eat gluten-free, choose certified gluten-free oats for making oatmeal, using in recipes and for flour. These have been processed without… Read more »
Maybe you’ve experienced a similar surprise upon returning home from vacation like my neighbors did: a garden being overrun by baseball bats, er, zucchini gone wild. They harvested the monsters, loaded them into a couple of boxes and offered them at the street to walkers needing added protection (don’t some walking advisors suggest carrying a… Read more »
The Harvest full moon last Monday was a bold and beautiful reminder to stop and reflect upon the changing season: gathering the fruits of our labors. What has this summer, this year given you? What did you plant and nurture in your life? How have you grown? What successes and victories are you celebrating? Nearly… Read more »
Kale is busting out all over (sing to the tune of “June is busting out all over.”) in gardens and farmers markets now. There are so many ways to enjoy this ; I suggest you play around and discover your favorite ways to enjoy it and give it regular appearances in meals and snacks. It… Read more »