Zucchini aren’t the only green, cylindrical shapes abundant in gardens now: cucumbers follow in a close second position. Rarely touted as nutrition powerhouses, cucumbers do have many healthy attributes (in raw form) that give you reason to include them in your diet:
- High in potassium, an important electrolyte
- Low in calories – only 15 in 1/2 cup, and sodium
- Contain a unique collection of antioxidants
- Provide dietary fiber in their skins
- Super levels of Vitamin K which is helpful for building bone mass and for treating Alzheimer’s

After you’ve enjoyed their health-giving goodness during growing season, make up these pickles with the remaining abundant harvest to carry your cucumber memories forward throughout the coming year – until next year’s crop is ready to bless you.
Mustard Curry Pickles
24 cucumbers, each approx. 4 inches long
1/2 cup salt
8 cups water
2 1/2 tsp. curry powder*
2 cups apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup mustard seed
1 Tbsp. celery seed
1 3/4 cups honey*
Wash cucumbers. Quarter them or cut into thick slices. Combine with salt and water in large glass or ceramic bowl so that all cukes are covered with brine solution.
Let stand 5 hours then drain and rinse thoroughly.
Pack the cucumbers into clean jars to within 1/2 inch from tops.
Mix remaining ingredients in a pan, heat to a boil, and pour over the packed cucumbers. Release any air bubbles by inserting chopstick or thin knife along inside of jar, being careful not to poke or cut cucumbers.
Complete seals and process for 5 minutes in a boiling-water bath.
*The amount of curry and honey may be adjusted to your taste.
Yield: 8 pints Adapted from Putting it up With Honey by Susan Geiskopf
Enjoy these with your favorite sandwich (tuna salad is the best), on a veggie platter or diced in egg salad.
We’ve canned our “pickle” crop for this year but will certainly want to try it next year…thanks a bunch for sharing…
I’m glad you got pickles ‘put up’, Kathy. Thank you for reading. To next year’s harvest & preserving!