Posts Tagged: vegetables

DIY Veggie Oven Fries

Sweet potato fries are all the rage as an upsell from regular (baker potato) fries.  Both can be ordered dressed up in all sorts of ways: sprinkled with herbs, garlic, cheeses or served with a plethora of dunking sauces. No matter how they come to the table, they are tasty!  But not very healthful with… Read more »

Grow Veggies From Scraps, Part 2

I’m passionate about living and promoting vibrant health.  I’m also rabidly green when it comes to reducing waste and “using everything up”, as my grandma used to say. This is particularly true of food, resulting in lots of tricks and practices I do to minimize useable food scraps going to compost. Vegetable peelings, inedible stalks… Read more »

Grow Veggies From Scraps!

Grow great greens and vegetables from trimmed ends & scraps of organic veggies instead of putting them in the compost or giving them to the chickens, even though both of these options are good and valiant alternatives to throwing the food in the trash 🙂   You will harvest some lovely young greens from what… Read more »