We can all use a bit of extra comfort these days while under isolation due to the Covid-19 pandemic. And no food dishes out the comfort like mac ‘n cheese.
If you’ve ever made the traditional version of this dish, it is time-consuming and quite labor intensive with making a white sauce, cooking the pasta and so on.
But what if you could get a super yummy mac ‘n cheese without either of those 2 steps? Blissful, right?
Here ya go.
Quick and Easy Mac ‘n Cheese
2 cups raw macaroni To make gluten-free, I use brown rice pasta
1 quart milk of choice I use almond.
1 Tbsp. butter
1.5 cups grated cheddar cheese (I love extra sharp white cheddar for this.)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put butter in 9″ x 13″ glass baking dish and place in preheating oven. Remove when melted and swirl to coat bottom and halfway up sides of baking dish. Add melted butter to large mixing bowl, then add remaining ingredients. Stir well.
Pour mixture into prepared baking dish and bake for 1 hour, uncovered, until lightly browned.
Feel free to add whatever faves you like in your mac, whether they be bits of peppers, meat or onion. This recipe is all about ease and comfort so make it your own!