Start strong. Shift your thinking about “holiday preparations” to first preparing yourself. Taking care of you first will yield a much more enjoyable and perhaps meaningful holiday season. Here are some suggestions:
- Begin well rested. Sleep is restorative not only because it allows the body its much needed downtime, but because it is also when the body does the lion’s share of its healing work. Naps are good!
- Take 5 minutes of stillness and quiet and write down the 3 things that are most important for you to experience during the holidays. Is it time with friends and family? Great food? Making and preparing gifts to give? Decorating your home? Maybe a getaway scheduled for a time-out from the frenzy? Now use this as your guide for how, where and with whom you spend your time.
- Stock up with the supplies that support your health:
- Vitamins and supplements that you already take (this is not a good time to start a new regimen)
- Fresh whole foods – think fruits and vegetables – and other ingredients for quick, simple meals
- Great books and movies to relax with
Add or subtract from the above list with whatever works for your health, happiness, and wholeness. As it says in The Jump Journal: Discover what works for you and do it. Discover what does not work for you and don’t do it.